We are excited to welcome you to the Saint Mary’s University residence community!
Residence opens for the 2024-25 Academic Year Term on August 31, 2024 @ 9:00am. Once residence is open, new and returning residents are able to move in at any time, 24 hours / day.
Please note check-in locations / times below:
We are NOT able to accommodate any early arrivals prior to August 31, 2024, unless individuals are part of a pre-approved early arrival group (certain student leadership / staff groups, certain varsity sport programs, etc.)
Please see the following Move-In / Campus Map to help guide your arrival and move-in process:
Please note the following:
Additional details or changes to move-in protocols will be posted as they are available. Please check your email frequently for updates on move in.
PLEASE NOTE: The best address to use for wayfinding to the Loyola Residence Desk for those who are driving, walking, or arriving by taxi is: 5907 Gorsebrook Avenue, Halifax, NS, B3H 1G3.
You should contact Housing & Residence (residence.housing@smu.ca) if you have any questions or concerns related to the residence move-in process here at Saint Mary’s.
If you do not arrive and check-in to your residence room by 5:00 PM on the first day of classes, your residence room reservation will be cancelled and your deposit will be forfeited. If you know that you will be arriving late you must contact the Housing & Residence Office and provide written notification (prior to the first day of classes) that you will be arriving late for residence.
Your residence room will be your home for the academic year; please bring whatever you need to make it comfortable. You are advised not to bring valuable possessions into residence. All personal belongings must be insured.
Please be aware that the University does not provide:
Note: In the interest of public safety, Saint Mary's, like most universities, has prohibited certain items from use in single student housing. Please refer to the Residence Handbook for more information on prohibited items and our pest control policy / procedures.
You are responsible for arranging adequate insurance coverage for all of your belongings. The University's insurance policy does not cover damage to or loss of your personal property, however caused. You should contact your family insurance agent to determine if you are covered under your parent's home insurance and if so, for what amount. You should also determine if additional insurance is required for more expensive items such as a camera, TV, stereo, computer or jewelry etc. The University will not assume responsibility for loss or damage to any possessions, however caused. You are responsible for reporting stolen personal items to the Halifax Regional Police.
No part of the residence premises may be painted, wall-papered, or permanently decorated without the written consent of the Department of Housing & Conference Services. Using nails, tacks, hooks, spikes, tape or other items to hang pictures, posters and other material on the walls in your room will result in damage and is not permitted. In instances where the aforementioned items are applied to painted surfaces within a room or apartment, an assessment will result for each item found to be used. Failure to remove these items will result in additional fines. This assessment is over and above any damage to the room caused by the use of the prohibited item.
The following 3 adhesives have been approved by the University:
Note: This is not an endorsement by the University as to the efficacy of any of these products and students are encouraged to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Residents are able to remain in their residence room until the last day of the applicable term / exam period regardless of their final exam date. We do, however, encourage students to depart a soon as possible after their final exams / academic commitments, to provide a living-learning environment that is conducive to studying for those still finishing exams.
While Housing & Residence sends out reminder emails to residents regarding the end of term during the semester, residents should also be sure to check Important Housing Dates and/or consult the Housing Office for more information.
When you move out of residence you must follow the move out procedures listed below. (In rooms / apartments with more than one occupant each student must follow this procedure, not just the last student to leave.)
Additional details or changes to move-out protocols will be posted as they are available. Please check the preferred email you have on file with the university for important updates.
You should contact Housing & Residence (residence.housing@smu.ca) if you have any questions or concerns related to the residence move-out / check-out process here at Saint Mary’s.
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